Stupid Girl- She Lost Everything

Lorelai Parks
4 min readOct 22, 2023
Photo by Amy Treasure on Unsplash

I started a yearlong writing course meant to lead you to live more authentically. Living a life of authenticity has been a goal of mine for years now. I have progressed in that direction, but there can be setbacks, like all journeys. It is our perspective that matters, and the delays are actually life-changing exercises. Now more than ever, I realize it is not about the destination but the journey.

This week’s writing prompt was “What is missing from your life?”

A lot is missing from my life right now.

Or is it?

What’s meant for you won’t pass you by.

At one point in my life, not long ago, I had a high-paying job, a big house, a husband, a dog, and the prospect of becoming a parent.

On the outside everything looked wonderful, we were keeping up with the Joneses. Life was on track. Or so it seemed.

Basically, I don’t have any of that now, I guess you can look at it like, “Wow, she lost everything.”

Or you could say I am starting over on a brand new and exciting path. Sometimes we have to purge, minimize, and remove what isn’t working in our lives, in order to build new. Maybe I did a life cleanse, and now I am free to add back what I like.

